Friday, November 18, 2005

from toddlers to teenagers

I have seen it all over the years. My son has epilepsy, ADD and was diagnosed 2 years ago with depression. We always susspected the ADD because he was so extremely active as a child. Things haven't changed now that he is almost 14. A friend of mine just got something called a toddler alert for her little one and it is the coolest thing I have ever seen. She sets a distance on it and if her boy goes out of range an alarm goes off letting her know he is to far away. She told me she called this 800 number 1-877-778-4472. It apparently is available only in certain Wal-Mart stores. I wish I had one when my son was little.
Anyway, does anyone have a 14 year old that has a hard time picking up after themselves, and seems to have forgotten what the garbage can looks like. I come home to clothes on the floor and papers (meant for the garbage) on the floor. He also has a hard time getting up in the morning. I start waking him up at 6:30 and it is 7:20 befor he gets up. He has to be at the bus stop at 7:30. Any advice would help.


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